主要材料/Main Ingredients:
1. 核桃碎 125g
crumbed walnut (125g = 1cup)
2. 牛油 150g
butter 150g
3. 鸡蛋一粒
1 egg
4. 自发粉 150g
1.5-2 cups self raising flour
5. 糖 (8小茶匙)
1/2 cup sugar
1. 溶牛油, 加入糖及鸡蛋。搅拌约1分钟。
Cream butter and sugar together, then add egg and beat well.
2. 加入核桃,自发粉,搅均匀。
Add crumbed walnuts into the mixture and add self raising flour, stir well.
3. 用汤匙作出模型,放在油纸上(或在烤板上抹牛油),入烘炉烤10-12 分钟(约140-160度)即可。
Teaspponfuls onto greased oven trays or cookie sheets. Bake in moderate oven for about 10-12 minutes.
I didn't put enough butter, so it taste a little bit dry. The suger is enough therefore it's quite sweet. The cunchiness is from the walnut I think. For next try, perhaps put more butter or less flour.
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