Saturday, May 23, 2009

Chinese Chilli Sauce 酸甜辣椒酱

This is quick self-made chilli sauce. You can prepare this in 5 minutes. Normally, it would be better to use electronic grater machine to grate the ingredients, but I opted not to today because I'm preparing a small amount only. 

1. 2x Red Chilli
2. 1-3 Garlic gloves
3. Small amount of Ginger
4. Sugar, Sesame oil, Vinegar, Lemon Juice

1. Chop everything thinly and finely, grate them if you have grater. Then mix everything together.
2. Add in the sugar, some vinegar and sesame oil. Then mix in lemon Juice. Adjust the flavours to suit your preferred tastes.
3. Finally, keep them in fridge. I think this can be kept for few days in fridge.

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