0.5 kg pork belly, cost about SGD$1.10/100gram, enough for 2 - 4 persons.
1. 猪肉整块洗净(不用切)
Wash the pork belly and please do not cut it
2. 平均抹上一大茶匙的粗盐(用手将盐平均的覆盖整块猪肉)
Evenly rub one full tea spoon of salt on the surface of the pork
3. 平均撒上五香粉
Evenly rub spiced powder on the surface of the pork.
4. 撒上少许黑胡椒粉和黄酒(用手将调味料平均的覆盖整块猪肉)
Black pepper powder and cooking wine to taste.
5. 将调好味的猪肉固定在烤箱(必须旋转以便平均拷猪肉)
Fix the pork in the oven with rotisserie.
6. 烤箱设定:二百至二百二十摄氏度,三十分钟
Set the oven at 200-220 degree Celsius for 25-30 minutes
7. 冷却半小时,切小块。
After cooling for 1/2 hour, cut into small pieces.
1. 在烤的过程中,猪油会被逼出来。
During roasting, the pork fat will be automatically *squeezed* out and preventing the meat from over-burning.
2. 猪皮会冒泡(在烤的过程中,空气会“跑”进去),所以可以先将猪皮刺洞。但不影响滋味。
The pork skin will bubble due to air/oil trapped in, to avoid getting bubbling in pork skin like a moon-surface, spike the pork skin evenly with needle before roasting, but this will not affect the taste.
3. 在烤箱中放置一盘以盛滴下的猪油。
Put a tray beneath the rotating rotisserie to capture the dripping oil.
试味/Tasting notes:
The succelant roast pork is crispy on the skin and has a juicy inner part, the trick is to roast with high-heat at a short moment to trap the flavour inside, it would not burnt due to the fat that will lubricate the pork surface. Another trick is to apply the seasoning more than adequate to the pork, because the dripping oil will remove some seasoning, the result will be just nice when extra is added.
Unfortunately, when the pork is presented for tasting, it was gone within minutes before we remembered to capture some pictures. Therefore, pictures will be uploaded once we have redone it in the future.
This is the second trial:
In 'Z' sequence from top-left to bottom-right;
1 & 2. Pork belly;
3 & 4. After applied seasoning and rubbed evenly;
5 & 6. Fixed to rotisserie;
7. Ten minutes later;
8. Twenty minutes later, and readjust to lower temperature;
9 & 10. Half hour later;
11. Final product;
12. Cut into pieces, see the juicy meat!!!